

1 year

Unreal (C++)

Glowpop (2024)

A cute but punishing platformer. I did almost everything tech related in this project. Game is available in Steam at the moment.


1 year

Unreal (C++)

Arrival of the Punnu (2022)

Sidescroller adventure with Studio Ghibli like visuals. I did almost all tech related tasks in the project. It’s currently on hold.


6 months

Unity (C#)

Paimio Ralli (2019)

Endless runner car game with AR-elements. I was in charge of gameplay mechanics, level generation, UI and upgrade systems.

Unreal (C++) & Unity (C#)

Other (2019-2024)

Lots of small scale games including Tower Defence, FPS, JRPG, 2D Roguelike, 2D Volleyball, Multiplayer Battle Game, VR Gorilla, Pong, Point and Click Adventure and Social Welfare Simulator.


6 months

Unreal (C++)

AAA MMO (2023)

Open World MMO RPG. I worked on a mobile port of the game for 6 months. It’s still under NDA so I can’t tell more about it.


2 years

Unity (C#)

Virpa – Fire Expert (2020)

Educational fire safety game with AR-elements. I implemented player interactions, questionnaires, minimap logic and handled porting to iOS and Android.

Unreal (C++) & Unity (C#)

R&D projects (2019-2022)

Mostly VR projects with robotics, networking and multiplayer.